Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Quick and Easy Clam Noodle Soup

I have been very lazy lately. Sometimes, I think blogging takes more dedication than I possess with all the cooking, then revising the recipe over and over again. I'm just not really in the mood to try complicated things right now. When I'm in a slump like this, my fallback comfort food is normally a hot bowl of noodle soup.

In Asia, instant noodles are in a league of their own. Ramen shops are hugely popular. At grocery stores, you will find dozens, maybe even hundreds of options - different brands, different flavors, from different countries. On top of that people started adding whatever they could think of to the instant noodles, and publishing these "gourmet" recipes. There are a couple of flavors that I do enjoy once in awhile, but in general, I'm a little leery about all the additives and preservatives they have. Making normal noodles doesn't take much longer, even a bowl of "luxurious" noodle soup.

Whether you are a devoted clam lover, or a soup slurper, this one is for you. It's so quick and easy that there isn't any excuse to wait.

Quick and Easy Clam Noodle Soup

2 qt chicken broth
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine
8 oz noodles
2 baby bok choy, or the greens of your choice
1 lb manila clams

Boil the chicken broth in a large pot.

In the meanwhile, clean the clams.

Add sugar, and cooking wine to the broth, and stir. Turn the heat down to medium. Add noodles, bok choy and clams to the pot. Cover the pot, and boil for 5 minutes.

Tada! Serve while hot.

If the noodles take longer than 5 minutes to cook, just boil them for the extra time necessary before adding the greens and clams.