Sunday, July 11, 2010

Crêpes, Finally ...

D’s diary and egg allergies often limit my cooking decisions. True, I still make diary or egg-leaden desserts like creme brulee, panna cotta, or macarons from time to time. However, I try to make only things he can eat at each meal.

Recently I’ve reading more vegan cookbooks in hope of finding more desserts and baked goods that we could share as a family. One of them, The Joy of Vegan Baking, included a chapter on strudel, crêpes, blintzes, and pastries. I love crêpes, and used to make dessert ones filled with Nutella and banana or Crêpes Suzette. (But I have to admit that I never perfected the art of crêpe making. Mine were always a little thicker than the ones from crêperies, and not always impeccably round.) I would love for my kids to share my passion for crêpes. So upon seeing a vegan version, I knew I’d try it soon, and today was the day.

It’s a little shameful, but I have to confess that I rarely follow a recipe to the dot. I tend to improvise on whatever I miss. This one though, I tried to be as exact as possible with the only exception that the recipe called for 3/4 cup + 1 tbsp of flour, and I used 3/4 cup. Maybe because I didn’t sift the flour, or maybe because I didn’t let the batter rest, or maybe this is how the vegan version is supposed to be, but I thought the batter was thicker than the normal one, which made it a little difficult to get the batter to cover the pan when twirling the pan. But other than that, it tasted fine. I’m sure I could also work on my pan-twirling-skills. D wasn’t quite convinced that having crêpes is an enjoyment in life, but J loved it. So at least I was 50% successful, till next time. =)

My non-stick pan is about 5.5" at the bottom. I used 3 tbsp of batter per crêpe, and made 10 crêpes.

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